TENDER for garbage pickup Aug 26 24 copy

Upcoming Meetings

The next DIRA public meeting will be held on:

Monday, October 21st

All meetings start at 7:30 pm in the Community Hall and everyone is welcome.



Effective January 1, 2022 garbage pickup service is provided by Strathcona Recycling & Disposal (250-207-6500 or strathconarecycling@gmail.com).

Garbage pickup day is THURSDAY

See the 2024 Garbage Collection Schedule for pickup dates and service provider contact information. NOTE: Cash is not accepted at the point of pickup; bags with cash will not be picked up.

For a summary of the materials collected at the Recycling Centre, refundables at the Bottle Depot, donating to the ReUsables Store (The Free Store), contact and ticket information for the garbage collection service provider, and seasonal opening times, DOWNLOAD the Waste Management Centre Brochure 2024

Tender for garbage pickup Aug 26 24

What’s Happening On Denman

Ministry of Transportation response to DIRA request for the provincial government to explore a potential direct sailing to Hornby Island from Vancouver Island to reduce traffic on Denman Island.

MOTI Response re Hornby Ferry

The latest 2023 reports from each committee have been posted under their tabs Committees and Services

An Climate Action Committee has formed on Denman Island and the first Committee meeting was held on Oct 23 at the Community School, 6:30-8 pm. The committee is focused on the overall goal of getting to Carbon neutrality on Denman by 2025. To achieve this, Denman residents are encouraged to take meaningful action to reduce the effects of climate change locally and beyond the Island through advocacy. Guy provided a useful list of areas to focus upon… our very own Denman Island Personal Planning – 100% Climate and Nature Friendly by 2025.

For more information, contact Dr. Ron Wilson, Chair at rawilson33@gmail.com or click here >>>

The 2023 AGM was held on April 17, 2023. Please go to individual committee pages to view each committee’s annual report. Go to DenmanFire.ca to access the Denman Island Fire Department reports.

The Recreation Grants Recommendation Process is posted on the Recreation Grants Page. The deadline for submissions this year is Tuesday, May 28th. Completed applications should be dropped off at the Abraxas Free post, under “R” ( Recreational Grants) or emailed to the committee contact noted in the local papers and posters.  Late applications are not acceptable.…Click for more information


The Community Dock Policy is posted on the Community Dock page …Click to view Community Dock Policy

A DRAFT of the Community Dock Video Surveillance Policy is posted on the Community Dock Page …Click to view DRAFT Community Dock Security Camera Policy

DIRA Membership

If you are not a member of DIRA, it’s very easy to join. Just use the contact form at the top of the Home Page on this website or come to a General DIRA Meeting and sign up! Membership is free and valid until the next Annual General Meeting.

DIRA Mandate:

“To consider and further the interests and general welfare
of the residents of Denman Island”


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